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Halacha Moment
2 min read
Who Lights The Menorah?
What is the mitzvah of lighting the Menorah?
Who lights the Menorah? Click here to learn more!

Halacha Moment
3 min read
Parties & Donuts On Chanukah
Is one obligated to have a special meal/seudah for chanukah like we have on purim?
Is there a custom to eat donuts or dairy items on Chanuka

Halacha Moment
2 min read
Melachah On Chanukah
May women do melachah on Chanukah? When are they forbidden from doing any work? Click here to learn more!

Halacha Moment
3 min read
8 Nights of Celebration: Exploring the Traditions and Meaning of Chanukah
What happened during the times of Chanukah?
Why do we light the Menorah on Chanukah? Click Here To Learn More!
Halacha Moment
2 min read
The Custom Of Saying "Shabbat Shalom"
What is the custom of saying Shabbat shalom?
Halacha Moment
3 min read
The Berachah Of Me'ein Sheva
What is Me'ein Sheva? Why is it recited? When is it recited?
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