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After The Aliyah

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The Daily Halacha Moment - After The Aliyah📜

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן ‎העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


What does one do after he receives an Aliyah?


After one receives an Aliyah, it is customary in many communities to remain by the bimah until the next Aliyah is recited entirely, and then return to one’s seat before the next person is called. However, some have the custom to go back to one’s seat once the next person comes up for their Aliyah. [1]

After receiving an Aliyah, many people have the custom to go over to people and shake their hand, and receive a blessing of “Chazak U’Baruch” from the congregation.[2] Some communities also have the custom to kiss the person who got an Aliyah on the cheek.[See footnote 3] If possible, this should be avoided since according to many opinions kissing someone on the cheek is not proper respect for the synagogue. However, people who have the custom to kiss one’s father or rabbi on the back of his hand, is a praiseworthy custom.[4]


[1]. See Halachah Berurah, vol. 7, p. 215, who brings different customs regarding this.

[2]. Bet Yosef §139 in the name of the Orchot Chayim; Rama 139:11; Kaf HaChaim 139:56. See also in Mayim Chayim, Messas, 1:30 who brings several reasons for this custom.

[3]. See Shemesh U’Magen 1:39 and Otzar HaMichtavim, Messas, 3:1786 who state that the custom in Morocco was to be lenient, since it was a way of respect, and not out of love. However, other Moroccan poskim, such as Emek Yohoshuah, Maman, 3:18 and Yechaveh Daat, Chazzan, 3:5 state that one should not kiss even one’s father on the cheek in the synagogue. In any case, the Ohr LeTzion, vol. 2, 45:55 states that those who do so out of a sign of respect have what to rely on. See also in Yalkut Yosef, Shabbat, book 1, vol. 4, in the end of the footnotes on p. 390.

[4]. The Ben Ish Chai, Vayikra, 1:11 states that one should not kiss even one’s father’s hand in the synagogue. However, Chacham Ovadia Yosef states in Yabia Omer, vol. 6, Y.D., 22:3, Yechaveh Daat 4:12; Halichot Olam, vol. 1, p. 271 and Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat, vol. 2, p. 298 that the general custom is to be lenient, since kissing one’s father’s hand is a sign of respect to one’s father. This is not considered a disrespect to the synagogue, since just as it is a mitzvah to respect the synagogue, it is also a mitzvah to honor one’s father or Rabbi, and since one is fulfilling a mitzvah it is not considered a disrespect to the synagogue.

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Netanel Aminov

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