The Daily Halacha Moment - Crushing Ice On Shabbat ❄
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
May one crush ice on Shabbat?
It is rabbinically prohibited to crush snow or ice on Shabbat to cause it to melt. [1]
Although it is forbidden to crush ice into water, it is permitted to place ice into a drink, even though the ice will dissolve by doing so, since the melting occurs on its own accord. Even so, one may still not crush it with a spoon, since one would be doing an action to melt the ice.[2] However, one may slightly stir the drink in order that the coldness of the ice can be evenly distributed throughout the drink.[3]
If one crushed ice that was in a drink, it may still be consumed on Shabbat.[4] Similarly, it is permitted to place ice in a sunny spot, even though one is causing the ice to melt.[5]
Excerpted From Yonatan Nacson’s ‘Laws of Shabbat’, vol. 1 p. 343-344
[1]. Shulchan Aruch 320:9.
[2]. Shulchan Aruch 320:9; Ben Ish Chai, Yitro 2:9; Kaf HaChaim 320:59; Yabia Omer, vol. 4, 28:10;
Halichot Olam, vol. 4, p. 106.
[3]. Kaf HaChaim 320:20; Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat, vol. 4, p. 158; Ashrei HaIsh, vol. 2, 30:6
[4]. Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat, vol. 4, p. 158.
[5]. Shulchan Aruch 320:9. Mishnah Berurah 320:35 and Kaf HaChaim 320:63 state that according to the Shulchan Aruch this is permitted to be done even initially and not just ex post facto. See also Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat, vol. 4, p. 158.
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Netanel Aminov
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