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Greeting Someone In The Morning

Writer: Halacha MomentHalacha Moment

The Daily Halacha Moment - Greeting Someone In The Morning

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


I heard one cannot greet his friend with "Shalom" before praying in the morning, is this true?


If someone happens to meet a friend in the market, they may greet them by saying "Good morning," but they should avoid using the word "Shalom." [1] The reason for avoiding "Shalom" before Shacharit is that "Shalom" is one of the names of Hashem, and it is considered disrespectful to use it in a casual greeting before first addressing Hashem in prayer. This prohibition applies only to initiating the greeting; however, it is permissible to respond if someone greets you first. [2] If one meets a powerful person one may greet him with "Shalom". [3] Before davening one should not go out of their way to greet a friend, and if they do, they should not greet them even with "Good morning," even if they have already recited Birchot HaShachar. [4] The reason for this is to ensure that one's focus and priorities remain on prayer and connecting with Hashem first thing in the morning. By going out of one’s way to greet someone before praying, even with a non-sacred greeting like "Good morning," it appears as though one is placing social interactions above their spiritual obligations.


[1]. Shulchan Aruch 89:2 states that if one meets a friend in the market, they may greet them with "Shalom," but some say it is better to use "Good morning." The Mishna Berurah 89:13 clarifies that we follow the second opinion, preferring "Good morning" over "Shalom."

[2]. Mishna Berurah 89:16.

[3]. Mishna Berurah 89:10.

[4]. Shulchan Aruch 89:2; Mishna Berurah 89:12, 14

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