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The Obligation of Berachah Achrona on Beverages

Writer's picture: Halacha MomentHalacha Moment

Updated: Feb 10

The Daily Halacha Moment - The Obligation of Berachah Achrona on Beverages 🥤

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


How much does one need to drink in order to be obligated in reciting a Berachah Achrona?


Yesterday, we discussed the requirements for eating solid food in order to be obligated in reciting a Berachah Achrona, including the minimum amount that must be consumed (Kezayit) and the time frame in which it must be eaten (Kedi Achilat Pras). However, when it comes to beverages, the requirements are somewhat different.

How Much Does One Need to Drink?

In order to be obligated to recite a Berachah Achrona after drinking, one must consume a Revi'it of liquid. A Revi'it is generally estimated to be around 3 ounces (approximately 86-90 milliliters). Unlike food, where a Kezayit is required, the threshold for drinks is based on this liquid measurement.

How Quickly Must One Drink It?

The halachic requirement is that the Revi'it should ideally be consumed in one continuous gulp. This means that if possible, one should drink the full amount in a single, uninterrupted act of drinking. [1]

However, if drinking an entire Revi'it in one gulp is not feasible, there is room for leniency. One may take two or three sips (gulps), provided they are taken in immediate succession without a significant pause in between. Some opinions extend this allowance further, stating that as long as the entire Revi'it is consumed within the time it would normally take to drink a few consecutive gulps, the obligation to recite a Berachah Achrona still applies. [2]


[1]. Yabia Omer 5:18(2); Chazon Ovadia, Berachot pg. 259-260; Or Letzion 2:14:17;

Shaar Hatziyon 210:11.

[2]. Halacha Berurah 210:9; Aruch Hashulchan 202:6; Halichot Olam Vol. 2 pg.125.

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