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Latest Time For Birchot HaShachar

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The Daily Halacha Moment - Latest Time For Birchot HaShachar

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


When is the latest time one can recite Birchot HaShachar?


If someone forgets to say “Modeh Ani” upon waking in the morning, they may recite it at any time during the day. As for Birchot HaShachar (the morning blessings), the guidelines are slightly different. If you have already completed your prayer service, you can still recite all the blessings except for Elokai Neshamah and Birkat HaTorah. These two are omitted because they are considered covered by the blessing Ahavat Olam and Mechayeh HaMetim (as we mentioned in a previous Halacha Moment), which is recited during the prayer service. However, if you have not yet prayed, you may say all the berachot as usual.

The time frame for reciting Birchot HaShachar is a matter of some debate among the authorities. Ideally, one should recite it before prayers. If one didnt, one should aim to say these blessings by the end of the fourth hour of the day. Nevertheless, if you miss this ideal time, you are still permitted to recite them until the end of the day (Shekiyah). [1]


[1]. Mishnah Berurah 52:10; Ohr LeTzion vol. 2 4:11; Halachah Berurah 46:19 & 21, Yechaveh Daat vol. 4:4-5; Piskeh Teshuvot 46:7; Yalkut Yosef vol. 1 page 54.

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Netanel Aminov

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