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SheHecheyanu During The Three Weeks

Writer: Halacha MomentHalacha Moment

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

The Daily Halacha Moment - SheHecheyanu During The Three Weeks 🧥

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


Are there any circumstances where one may recite a birkat SheHecheyanu during the Three Weeks?


As we've mentioned in a previous Halacha Moment that it is proper to abstain from reciting the “Shehecheyanu” blessing during the three weeks between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av on a new fruit or a new garment. However, one may recite a SheHecheyanu on a fruit that will not be found in the marketplace after Tishah B’Av, or if it will lose its taste if one will wait to eat it until after Tishah B’Av. However, one should try to wait for Shabbat to eat it. [1] It’s good to note, one only recites birkat SheHecheyanu on fruits or vegetables which are in the market at specific seasons and are not available year-round. This is true even if one personally did not eat the fruit for many year. It's very rare to recite a SheHecheyanu on fruits or vegetables in the United States being that every fruit is always available here because they get it from different countries. [2]

A pregnant woman may eat a fruit that requires a SheHecheyanu during Ben HaMetzarim if she has a craving for it. [3] Similarly, one who is sick, even if he is not terminally ill, may eat a fruit that requires a SheHecheyanu. The reason for this is because by eating the fruit, the sick person broadens his appetite to eat other foods, which may help him feel better. [4]

One may recite a SheHecheyanu on a pidyon haben or a brit milah, since it is a mitzvah that must be done at a specific time and cannot be delayed. [5]

Similarly, one may recite a SheHecheyanu when seeing a very close friend for the

first time in thirty days. [6]


[1]. Rama 551:17; Chazon Ovadia, Arba Taaniyot, p. 136; Yechaveh Daat 1:37. See also Torat HaMoadim, Ben HaMetzarim, p. 131, which adds that since one can now store fruit in the fridge without it losing its taste, one should do so, and wait until Shabbat or after Tishah B’Av to eat it. See also Ohr LeTzion, vol. 3, 25:3, in footnote on p. 336.

[2]. See Chazon Ovadia, Tu Bishvat, Berachot, Pg. 437; Sh”t

HaRishon LeTzion, Vol. 2, 28.)

[3]. The Chida, Birkei Yosef §8 and the Mishnah Berurah §99 state that she should eat the fruit without reciting SheHecheyanu. However, Kaf HaChaim §211 says that she may recite the berachah, and this is also the opinion of Chacham Ovadia Yosef in Chazon Ovadia, Arba Taaniyot, p. 138 and Ohr LeTzion, vol. 3, 25:3, in footnote on p. 336. See also Torat HaMoadim, Ben HaMetzarim, p. 131.

[4]. See Chazon Ovadia, Arba Taaniyot, p. 138 and Torat HaMoadim, Ben HaMetzarim, p. 131.

[5]. Shulchan Aruch §17. See also Chazon Ovadia, Arba Taaniyot, p. 135, in the footnote, which adds that the one reciting SheHecheyanu may also have in mind to eat a new fruit that is in front of him, and eat it after the brit milah or pidyon haben. See also Torat HaMoadim, Ben HaMetzarim, p. 124 and Ohr LeTzion, vol. 3, 25:3.

[6]. Chazon Ovadia, Arba Taaniyot, p. 140, in footnote.

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