The Daily Halacha Moment - The Melachah Of Lash
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
What is the Melachah Of Lash?
The melachah of Lash is defined as the act of combining many small parts by adding a liquid in order to create a dough. This was needed in the Mishkan either in order to combine the ground plants that were required for making a dye, or in order to make the dough that was needed for the Lechem Hapanim. The threshold for violating the biblical prohibition of Lash is kneading a gerogeret of flour.[1] Lash can be accomplished by using any sort of liquid, including honey or sap, and not just by adding water to a dry substance.[2] The Toladah of Lash is mixing dry non-edible items with a liquid in order to make a dough-like substance. For example, mixing water with dirt in order to create mud or cement is prohibited.[3]
In order for one to accomplish the melachah of Lash the item that is being mixed with a liquid must be able to combine into one thick substance.[4]
Excerpted from R’ Yonatan Nacson’s ‘Laws of Shabbat’, vol. 1 p. 383
[1]. Rambam 8:16; Biur Halachah, 321:14, “Shema.” Minchat Chinuch, Mosach HaShabbah, Lash §10 states that this is the amount of the dough that is formed. However, Eglei Tal, Lash, 1:5 rules that this is referring to the amount of dry ingredients, before adding the liquid.
[2]. Pri Megadim, M.Z. 321:12; Shulchan Aruch HaRav 321:16; Mishnah Berurah 321:50.
[3]. Rambam 8:16; Eglei Tal, Lash §1. See also Igrot Moshe, O.C. 4:74, Lash §13 and Shevet HaLevi 4:32.
[4]. Mishnah Berurah 321:50.
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Netanel Aminov
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Efrat Bat Aushra
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