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Bameh Madlikin

The Daily Halacha Moment - BaMeh Madlikin 📙

״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן ‎העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)

“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)


Why do we recite BaMeh Madlikin?

When do we recite BaMeh Madlikin?


It is customary to recite BaMeh Madlikin before Arvit. [1] Some communities recite it before Lecha Dodi[2], some communities recite it immediately following Lecha Dodi,[3] some

communities recite Mizmor Shir LeYom HaShabbat after Lecha Dodi, and only afterward BaMeh Madlikin, [4] and some communities recite Mizmor Shir LeYom HaShabbat for a second time after reciting Bameh Madlikin. [5]

The Yalkut Yosef, Shabbat, book 1, vol. 3, p. 35 lists many reasons for why this was established as part of the Kabbalat Shabbat, below is a list of a few of them:

1. Orchot Chaim 62a and Kol Bo 35 state that this was established in order that one should not leave people behind alone in the synagogue who are still praying. This is in accordance with the opinion that Bameh Madlikin should be recited after Arvit. 2. The Tur 270 explains that since the Mishnah mentions that one must state in his home on erev Shabbat if he has set up an eruv, if maaser was given, and if the candles were lit. For this reason, the Avudarham states that one should recite this paragraph before accepting Shabbat. 3. Bach states: in order to remind those who are in the synagogue of the halachot of lighting candles, carrying without an eruv, not eating foods that maaser was not given, and the proper oils that one may use for hadlakat nerot. 4. The Shelah and the Chemdat Yamim, Shabbat Kodesh, chap. 5 explain that there are Kabbalistic reasons as well. 5. The Siach Yitzchak 250 explains that if one forgot to light candles,

then through the recitation of the chapters of “Bameh Madlikin” it can be considered as if one did so.


[1]. Even though the Sefer Chasiddim §154 states that Bameh Madlikin should be recited after Arvit, the Shulchan Aruch 270:1 states that it should be recited before Arvit. See also in Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat, vol. 1, pp. 331-333.

[2]. Chida in Brit Olam, on the Sefer Chassidim §154; Keter Shem Tov, vol. 1, p. 180; Shemesh U’Magen 3:80.

[3]. Yalkut Yosef, Shabbat, book 1, vol. 2, p. 460, and ibid., book 3, p. 35 in the name of the Naveh Shalom

who states that this is the custom of Yerushalyim. See also in Halachah Berurah, vol. 16, p. 132.

[4]. See Kaf HaChayim 270:4 who states that one should not interrupt with Bameh Madlikin between Mizmor LeDavid and Hashem Malach Geut.

[5]. See Menuchat Ahavah, vol. 1, p. 113, footnote 3; See in Halachah Berurah, vol. 15, p. 147, Shaar Hatziyun §66, who brings several possible reasons for this custom.See Kaf HaChayim 270:4 who states that one should not interrupt with Bameh Madlikin between Mizmor LeDavid and Hashem Malach Geut.

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15 nov 2021

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