The Daily Halacha Moment - Baruch Hu U'Baruch Shemo
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
What is "Baruch Hu U'Baruch Shemo" and why do we answer that when hearing a Beracha?
"Baruch Hu U'Baruch Shemo" (Blessed is He, and blessed is His Name) is an expression of praise and reverence for Hashem. When one hears Hashem's name mentioned in a blessing, it is customary to say "Baruch Hu U'Baruch Shemo" to glorify His name and acknowledge His greatness. [1]
This practice is rooted in the idea of enhancing the sanctity and beauty of a blessing by adding a statement of praise for Hashem's name. While it is not obligatory according to Halacha, it is a widely observed custom that reflects one's love and honor for Hashem.
One should refrain from saying "Baruch Hu U’Baruch Shemo" in situations where they intend to fulfill an obligation by listening to someone else’s beracha (kiddush etc). Similarly, it should not be recited in contexts where speaking is prohibited, such as during Pesukei DeZimrah or Birchot Keriyat Shema. [2]
[1]. The Tur in Orach Chaim 124 writes that his father, the Rosh, would recite "Baruch Hu U'Baruch Shemo" based on the verse, "Ki Shem Hashem Ekra, Havu Godel L'Elokeinu" ("When I proclaim the name of Hashem, ascribe greatness to our God") [Devarim 32:3]. Shulchan Aruch Harav 124:5.
[2]. Shulchan Aruch 124:5; Mishna Berurah 124:21, 22; Igrot Moshe 2:94.
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Netanel Aminov
Founder Of The Halacha Moment
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Mishael Ben Frecha
Efrat Bat Aushra
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Chana Bat Sima Feiga
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Aminov Family
Sion Ben Elie
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