The Daily Halacha Moment - SheHecheyanu 🍇
״כל השונה הלכות בכל יום - מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא״ (נידה עג ע״א, מגילה כח:)
“Anyone who studies Halachot every day is guaranteed that he is destined for the world-to-come” (Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a)
Why do we bless Birkat SheHecheyanu on new fruits?
On what fruits and vegetables does one recite a SheHecheyanu on?
Our Sages (Chazal) instituted the recitation of the Berachah of Shehecheyanu when eating a new fruit or vegetable that has not been available for a certain period of time. This blessing expresses gratitude to Hashem for sustaining us and granting us the opportunity to experience new joys in life. The reason for this enactment is that eating a new fruit, especially one that has returned to the market after a long period of absence, brings a person happiness. It is only fitting to praise Hashem for such moments of joy.
Should One Recite Shehecheyanu Even Without Feeling Joy?
A common question arises: What if someone does not feel particularly excited about eating a new fruit? Should they still recite Shehecheyanu?
There is a difference of opinion among the halachic authorities regarding this matter. Some maintain that even if a person does not experience an external sense of happiness when eating the new fruit, they should still recite the berachah. This is based on the assumption that deep down, even if one does not express it outwardly, there is a natural inner joy associated with eating something new, and this subtle happiness is sufficient to justify the blessing.
However, many poskim take the opposite stance. They rule that one should not recite Shehecheyanu if they do not actually enjoy the new fruit. Since berachot should be said with genuine intent and appreciation, if someone is indifferent or derives no pleasure from eating the new fruit, they should refrain from reciting the blessing. This is in line with the principle of "Safek Berachot Lehakel"—when in doubt about whether a blessing should be recited, we refrain to avoid a potential unnecessary blessing. [1]
When Does One Recite Shehecheyanu?
The berachah of Shehecheyanu is only recited on fruits and vegetables that have a distinct growing season and are not available year-round. This means that if a particular fruit is available in the market throughout the entire year, one does not recite Shehecheyanu upon eating it, even if it has been a long time since they personally consumed it. The key factor is the fruit’s seasonal availability rather than one’s individual experience. [2]
What About Fruits That Grow More Than Once a Year?
A more complex scenario arises with trees that produce fruit more than once a year. If a tree has two distinct fruiting seasons within a single year, one should only recite Shehecheyanu once per year. This is due to the principle of Safek Berachot Lehakel, since there is a halachic uncertainty about whether the second season is considered a sufficiently new and distinct growth to warrant another blessing.
However, if a tree produces fruit three or four times a year, the halachic ruling is even more stringent. In such cases, one should not recite Shehecheyanu at all on its fruits. Since the fruit is available in multiple cycles throughout the year, it does not have a clearly defined “seasonal absence” that would justify the recitation of the berachah. [3]
[1]. Mishnah Berurah 225:10; VeZot HaBerachah, 18:1, Pg. 158.
[2]. Shulchan Aruch 225:6; Chazon Ovadia, Berachot Pg. 437; Yalkut Yosef 225:1-2,13.
[3]. Kaf HaChaim 225:42; Chazon Ovadia, Berachot, Pg. 437; Halachah Berurah ibid:41;
VeZot HaBerachah, Pg. 159.
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